Pick 6 Results
Check out the latest Pick 6 winning numbers, jackpot sizes, total winners and, most importantly, see if you've won! Hit 'Payouts' for a detailed breakdown of how many prizes were won in each category. For older results, scroll down and hit the button at the bottom of the page.
Total Winners: 24,318
Jackpot: $24,600,000
Total Winners: 21,418
Jackpot: $23,700,000
Total Winners: 23,250
Jackpot: $22,600,000
Total Winners: 21,192
Jackpot: $21,900,000
Total Winners: 21,899
Jackpot: $21,400,000
Total Winners: 18,562
Jackpot: $21,100,000
Total Winners: 27,111
Jackpot: $20,700,000
Total Winners: 19,534
Jackpot: $20,600,000
Total Winners: 21,617
Jackpot: $20,000,000
Total Winners: 19,443
Jackpot: $19,400,000
Latest Draw Details
The jackpot in the latest Pick 6 drawing was $24.6 Million.
The combined Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots are currently estimated at...
Looking for previous Pick 6 numbers?
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